LyteStarTM 2019-nCoV PCR Kit 2.0
RT-PCRNasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab samples
Manufactured by ADT Biotech Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)
About LyteStarTM 2019-nCoV PCR Kit 2.0
Multiplexkit for Screening and Confirmation:
- SARS-related CoV; E-gene
- SARS-CoV-2specific; RdRP-gene
- Internal Control(IC); heterologous RNA
HighestAnalytical Sensitivity
- 2.14 cp/μl for E-gene
- 1.68 cp/μl for RdRP-gene
100% Clinical Sensitivity
100% Specificity; no cross reactivity withother human CoV, Influenza and other respiratory viruses and pathogens
ForRotor-GeneQ(Qiagen), CFx96 (BioRad),Mic (Biomolecular Systems), ABI Prism7500 SDSand QuantStudio 5(Applied Biosystems)
CE IVD certified and MDA approved
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